Friday, June 1, 2018

23 - Three “Must Have” innovations for Driving online conversions.

Great !! So you invested in a brand new eEcommerce platform, maybe you are building your first digital storefront ( Hooray !! we are online) or have moved over to an enterprise solution from the horrors of a “legacy portal you could buy from”. Congratulations !! Tu est arrive but like Robert Frost would put it, you have miles to go before you can sleep.  All that glitters ,people, is in fact gold. Beyond all the fancy feature sets of the shiny new platform - cloud, SAAS, PAAS, scalability, hyper performance, engagement / CX features, fancy reporting et al, here are three “internal” projects that will turbocharge your ecommerce site and drive what you are fundamentally paid to do – drive conversions. You will need a couple of R / python folks and a repository to hold the information.  A word of caution though – please don’t have these snippets running from your commerce transaction db… ever !!

1)    Cross / Up Sell:

A good cross / up sell strategy can improve retention and more importantly top line by anywhere between 10 – 30%  depending on how personalized these offerings are.  I know, I know.. your shiny new platform comes in built with this capability-it says so in the brochure and we did see the demo you see.. Great !! But what is not generally communicated in black and white is that while digital sales enablers have the capability to manage product configuration and merchandizing  (ie Prod A is a cross sell along with Prod B & Prod C - Display B and C whenever A is viewed), they rarely if ever have the intelligence to identify  that A must be sold in conjunction with B and C. It is the marketer who needs to spot and utilize this correlation. Why not put in a recommendation engine – you ask? Good Question –but do reco engines  utilize all the information at your disposal aka first party data- think browsing, transactions, engagement, response to campaigns, demographics and personalize to a 1:1 level? Do you as a marketer control the vagaries of the “algorithms” behind the scenes? Can you tweak the logic for a specific segment alone?  I guess not – so get started on a Associative Algorithm dev – by all means use Tensor flow or Azure ML but know what you are building and why…

2)    Multi stage Retargeting:

Retargeting – cart , search and page drop out in so many forms has been beaten to death in marketing forums and I will not go into a eulogy of the technique. A study says that roughly every third marketing tool and Multi Stage Cart Drop out retargeting generates 20 -30% additional topline.. Doubt it? We can split hairs over the individual products  and features but the primary take aways for Ecom managers are

1)    Employ a multi stage retargeting touch point for your cart drop outs. A blind man could spot the value!!

2)    What is not so easily discernible for the modern marketer is that

a.     You need a strong bi-directional integration between your Ecommerce and Marketing Automation platform. Yes, data needs to pass both ways for marketers and systems to learn, personalize and retarget with Relevance , Context and Timeliness.

b.     You need to strategize the “Drop event” as a Customer Journey, platforms call them Programs – another fancy technical name is Orchestrated Multi Channel Campaigns. Again bring the customer context here to personalize as much as you can.

3)    Transactional Marketing:

This is the opposite of strategic marketing where you use recent behavior changes (note the operative word changes) to start influencing customers to behave the way you would like them to. Such Promotional techniques provide anywhere between  5% - 15% additional top line. Check out this link from Mckinsey.

Some use cases you could drive are
1)    Discount Ladders : Providing differential discounts for the same product based on customer segment and behavioral patterns.   

2)    Trip wire Marketing:  Triggering contextual experience based on a repetitive purchase factor like an anniversary or a replenishment date.

3)    Browse Frequency:  Customer browses a particular product page more than 3 times in the last five days. What would you do - as a marketer  and a modern one at that ? Let’s say he is a high net worth customer, would there be any difference in how you would engage with him? Let’s bring some context here, a basic lookalike modeling suggests that, customers similar to this guy are generally lost by the end of the 6 th month and we are at a churn point with this guy right now. Does that change things on what you next best action could be? How can you automate this and be flexible at a segment of 1?

So , go ahead and take your brand new shiny platform for a spin with these innovations.  There are more in the pipe though. We just talked merchandizing vs customers. Content ( Text, Image and Color) Personalization could be a great area to target and so could Search personalization using Learning to Rank (LTR) algorithms like Gradient boosting, CART, ADA and MART. Happy Tinkering !!

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