Thursday, May 24, 2018

1 - Three Baby steps to “Jump Start a “Behavioral Marketing Database”

We all Know Why  : Given the need to focus on relevant, timely messaging to customers, it has become imperative for marketers to have access to real time customer data. The data drill down to “timely & relevant” are multi faceted  behaviours  translating to different sources– Purchase, search, browse and abandonment from ecommerce, returns and logistics from ERP,  Engagement or Campaign Stats from ESPS and  Reviews & “Customer Speak” from Social & Speak Out portals.
Identify Critical Behavioural  Sources:
It’s really not rocket science nor does it need a significant IT Outlay but it is imperative to cut through the cackle and focus on those areas that
1)    Provide Maximum value
2)    Are easily Accessible
3)    Quick to integrate with
4)    Provide quick behavioural insights.
The two data sources that naturally suggest  themselves  to an e-tailer are  
1)    Ecommerce Systems  - If you are already on a licensed platform like Big Commerce, Magento or ATG,  you are half way there.
2)    Marketing Platforms-  for Engagement and Channel Behaviour. Most of the mature platforms expose data export mechanisms to quickly integrate with.

I know and hence I can:
Now that the sources are identified it is a simple matter of hooking up these real time data sources to a data structure and making it available on line for the marketing team to play with. The icing on the cake is Bingo … “ Real Time!!”.  Cutting to the chase,  the three steps to the Behavioral Grail are
1)    Identify & Hook up the Integration points across Ecommerce & MSP Systems.
2)    Push accumulated data into a standard marketing repository.
3)    Aggregate the data into Customer KPIs like RFM, LTV etc  using pre built algorithms.

To get a start on your data driven, customer centric journey, these building blocks can quickly be assembled to provide the  initial adrenalin to your marketing efforts, paving the way for serious focus on marketing strategy  & planning.

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