Thursday, May 24, 2018

5 - Campaign Build Process in Marketing Platforms

Cross Channel Marketing Delivery focuses on four primary functions– Creative ,Integration, Delivery and Analytics. Integration is the broad term used to describe data processing and scrubbing functions while Delivery involves Data Segmentation, Personalization and the campaign build process –happening predominantly on the marketing platform. The delivery process hogs database resources and can potentially render the system too slow for other contenders like online subscriptions, data loads and reporting. Marketers need to manage the Campaign Build process effectively to ensure predictable campaign delivery, high availability to competing processes and in case of SAS based platforms – direct Customer Satisfaction. Even though performance of the build process is a core function of the Marketing platform, a “end user” awareness always helps. The efficiency of the Campaign Build Process can be enhanced by three primary factors..
1) Technical : Managing the Build Process external to the e-Marketing ecosystem.This is really a “Platform” feature and marketeers generally have little control over this aspect.
2)Operational : Identification and Contention Management amongst competing processes.
3) Design : Database Design & Structural Rationalization.
Introduction : The Campaign Build Process and the Levers:
The high level process is a 3 step breakdown.
  1. Query the Customer database based on the Segmentation Rules
  2. Execute Personalization rules set up by the Marketer.
  3. Merge Content ( Static & Dynamic) from the asset library / CMS.
A detailed WORK FLOW of the campaign build process is depicted below.

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